Wow I am really behind. We have been doing so many fun things lately. Here is what we have been up to. (warning: picture overload!)

For some reason, Chase decided to bring a scalpel home from work and definately went overboard on our pumpkin. Don't ask me why he thought we should "shave" our cute little bat.

We had a fun time going to the polls together and voting. It was a neat opportunity

For my Christmas present, Brandon and Katie took Chase and I to the Coldplay Concert! It was the BEST concert I have ever been to. They are amazing and there new album is the BEST. They are one of my favorite bands and so this was SO exciting for me. We were in the 23rd row! I was on the aisle and Chris Martin walked right by me and I touched his arm :) He was really sweaty, so I wiped it on Chase haha Thanks again Brandon and Katie!!! This was the best ever!
We went on a little picnic date. It was perfect weather outside and so we wanted to take advantage of that.

This is us on Thanksgiving. It was such a nice day! (Notice the picture behind us, Chase's grandma painted that and it turned out amazing) She is currently painting the sacred grove for us and we can't wait until we have it in our home

As you can tell, I LOVE to take pictures of him. He is a good sport! If he weren't such a cutie I wouldn't have this problem!!